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DataCanvas showcases on the seven core sections of authoritative Generative AI Graphs



Recently, IDC China released a heavyweight market research report "IDC Market Glance: Overview of China's Generative AI Market" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") with a new "China Generative AI Ecological Map" in it. With significant advantages in the strength of artificial intelligence foundation software and a forward-looking and robust layout of intelligent computing centers, DataCanvas has once again been shortlisted in the graph as a representative vendor in the seven key sectors of infrastructure (AI infrastructure software), infra model (general model, industry model), GenAI platform (model construction and orchestration, application development and deployment, data management), and GenAI applications (industry applications).


As a barometer of the generative AI market, the IDC China analysis team has been continuously tracking and sorting out market trends for many years. This report focuses on showcasing the new development trends in the five core areas of the generative AI industry, including infrastructure, infra model, GenAI platform, GenAI application, and GenAI service, in the first half of 2024.

"In the past two quarters, the large-model market in China has shown extraordinary vitality and speed: the base large-model capabilities are constantly iterating and updating, and the development tools for large-model applications are emerging one after another... As shown in the graph, the hardware related market pattern at the infrastructure layer has remained basically stable; the base large-models at the infra model layer have temporarily stabilized, and industry large-models have begun to explode; model development platforms and application development platforms are expanding; the application market based on large-models is gradually flourishing; and the service layer is relatively stable."

——IDC Market Glance: Overview of China's Generative AI Market

"The AI infrastructure management software market benefits first"

DataCanvas Alaya NeW intelligent computing operating system takes the lead

When analyzing the infrastructure layer in the GenAI ecosystem, the report points out that the construction of intelligent computing centers continues to be popular in China, with a rough estimate that the scale of intelligent computing center construction projects has exceeded 5 billion yuan in the first half of 2024. With the construction of intelligent computing centers, the overall development of large models has also benefited the network security market and the AI infrastructure management software market first.

The overall development of generative AI industry indicates that AI software is accelerating its application in the intelligent computing industry, and its position is becoming increasingly important. It will prosper together with the rapid development of intelligent computing centers. During the window period of the explosion of intelligent computing power, DataCanvas understood the development laws of hardware and AI software, predicted the broad innovation blue ocean of AI foundation software, and quickly launched the AI software product for intelligent computing centers - DataCanvas Alaya NeW intelligent computing operating system - with more than a decade of solid accumulation of artificial intelligence foundation software.

As the "central nervous system" of the intelligent computing center, DataCanvas Alaya NeW is based on the five value systems of say goobye to "bare metal", Design for AI, global acceleration optimization, schedule diverse computing resources, and DCU. Its ultimate goal is to output "usable, useful, and economical computing", providing solid software support for the widespread implementation of computing power end users, AI technology, and large-model applications.

Alaya NeW is not only a bridge between software and hardware in the era of computing economy, but also a key force in defining computing infrastructure, driving a leap in computing power in the new computing world.

Artificial Intelligence Foundation Software Vendor

Intelligence Computing Construction & Operation Vendor

This time, DataCanvas has once again been shortlisted for four out of five fields and seven sectors in China's generative AI graph, which is a re-affirmation of the company's strength in various dimensions of artificial intelligence by authoritative institutions. For many years, DataCanvas has been continuously innovating and researching cutting-edge AI technologies such as AutoML and AutoDL. With its large-scale commercial layout of AI software products such as large-model matrix, industry large-models, artificial intelligence platforms, multi-modal vector database, causal learning software, etc., DataCanvas has become a recognized artificial intelligence foundation software vendor in the industry.

Among the AI products, the DataCanvas Alaya "General + Industry" large-model matrix, which adheres to the concept of openness and friendliness, is the company's main large- model product, providing users with greater freedom in AI innovation and a series of Base and Chat models with different configurations and parameters. Among them, the Alaya-7B Base & Chat models has been released open source.

When analyzing future trends in the report, it was mentioned that "industry models are starting to explode.". Based on the high-quality and multi-disciplinary vertical class corpus and graph library independently developed by DataCanvas, the DataCanvas Alaya industry large-model has rich vertical class knowledge reserves and strong logical reasoning ability, which can be easily applied to multi-task scenarios such as industry professional knowledge Q&A and management, business document writing and revision, scheme planning and formulation, code writing and annotation, further accelerating the widespread application of industry large-models.

In the current wave of intelligent computing, DataCanvas has seized cutting-edge technology and service experience, deeply integrating AI software into the intelligent computing center system in the form of core operating systems, and actively cooperating with upstream and downstream ecological partners to layout the construction and operation of intelligent computing centers nationwide in China. At present, the company has laid out intelligent computing center projects in multiple locations such as Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Anhui, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guizhou, Ningxia, etc., outputting an integrated AI solution of "computing power+algorithm" from bottom computing power to intermediate software and then to upper level AI applications.

Computing power creates the future, software defines computing power. DataCanvas has anchored its core positioning as a vendor of artificial intelligence foundation software and a core vendor of computing power construction and operation. It will concentrate on independently innovating AI energy and fully drive AI foundation software to take off in the new world of intelligent computing!