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Leading the transformation of intelligent computing, DataCanvas activates new quality productivity in the oil and gas industry



Leading the transformation of intelligent computing, DataCanvas activates new quality productivity in the oil and gas industry

Recently, the "2024 China Petrochemical Enterprise Information Technology Exchange Conference and Oil and Gas Industry Digital Transformation Summit Forum" was successfully held in Beijing. DataCanvas made a high-impact appearance with its "Full-Stack AI Intelligent Computing Solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry," offering leading technological perspectives and forward-looking practical experience to support the digital transformation and new quality productivity development of the oil and gas industry. The company continues to drive digital technology innovation and value evolution in the sector.

Under the theme "Promoting New Industrialization in the Petrochemical Industry through Digital Transformation," this year's conference aimed to broadly exchange new concepts, methods, and trends in the digital transformation of the petrochemical industry, both domestically and internationally. It focused on integrating new production elements such as digital technology and data assets into the entire oil and gas industry chain, striving to create a high-level foundation and modernized industrial chain for China's energy industry.

At the concurrent Artificial Intelligence Forum, Zhang Lei, Solution Expert at DataCanvas, delivered an inspiring speech titled "Innovative Practices of AI Intelligent Computing Services in the Era of Large Models for the Oil and Gas Industry," which garnered enthusiastic responses and widespread attention from attendees.

Addressing the new situations, demands, and transformations in the process of activating new quality productivity in the oil and gas industry, Zhang Lei highlighted that, with efficient computing power utilization and flexible, in-depth AI full-stack capabilities, DataCanvas continues to provide high-quality AI intelligent computing services for the oil and gas industry. This accelerates the large-scale application of AI in frontier business scenarios within the sector.

Strategizing New Quality, Strengthening the Solid Computing Foundation for High-Quality Development in the Oil and Gas Industry

In the face of the rapidly expanding demand for computing power in intelligent oilfields, how to quickly build a digital and intelligent innovation application system, comprehensively unlock the value of data elements, and continuously enhance the capabilities of computing power infrastructure has become an essential task for the new quality productivity in the oil and gas industry's development.

To address this, DataCanvas proposes a "Full-Stack AI Intelligent Computing Solution for the Oil and Gas Industry" centered around the DATACANVAS AIDC OS intelligent computing operating system. This solution efficiently links bottom-layer intelligent computing resources with upper-layer large model applications, providing robust support for the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of the oil and gas industry.

Based on the computing power management kernel provided by AIDC OS, the solution can achieve unified scheduling and efficient management of underlying intelligent computing resources, including computing power, storage, and network. This significantly enhances the computing power utilization efficiency within the oil and gas industry. In the large model application layer, the solution offers a convenient and efficient Agent development toolchain, including RAG search enhancement, Agent assistants, and Agent development tools, providing one-stop AI service support for oil and gas enterprises to autonomously develop AI Agent applications.

Through this solution, DataCanvas continues to empower the oil and gas industry with large-scale AI applications in frontier business scenarios such as exploration and development, oil and gas production, data analysis, and knowledge Q&A. This results in deep interconnectivity between data, processes, and interfaces, injecting strong impetus into the high-quality development of the oil and gas industry.

Focusing on "Intelligent Computing", AIDC OS Creates a New Growth Pole for the Oil and Gas Industry

With its efficient computing power management kernel and comprehensive full-chain AI service capabilities, DataCanvas provides high-quality AI intelligent computing services that effectively address several AI pain points in the construction of computing power infrastructure in the oil and gas industry. These issues include the high cost of computing resources, inconsistent model capabilities, high barriers to model development and fine-tuning, siloed AI development, and the lack of specialized AI talent. By resolving these challenges, DataCanvas empowers the oil and gas industry to achieve enhancements in quality and efficiency through digitalization and intelligence.

As a core vendor in intelligent computing construction, DataCanvas' self-developed AIDC OS effectively overcomes the difficulties in managing heterogeneous computing resources, inadequacies in computing power scheduling, and low utilization rates. With core advantages such as heterogeneous computing resource management, unified multi-strategy scheduling, customizable large and small model development, and support for diverse product forms, AIDC OS provides robust support for the oil and gas industry's diverse and complex computing power needs when autonomously building domain-specific large models, AI Agents, and industry models. This further stimulates the development of new quality productivity in the oil and gas sector.

Computing power infrastructure, as the foundation of new quality productivity in the oil and gas industry, is becoming a new engine driving AI innovation and high-quality development in the sector. In the future, DataCanvas will continue to leverage its technological advantages in the fields of artificial intelligence and intelligent computing. It will consistently provide superior integrated AI services that combine computing power and algorithms, laying a solid "computing power foundation" for the high-quality development of the oil and gas industry.